Just Keep Swimming. -Dory
Life is a book that has already been written by God. Sometimes we find ourselves on a page or a chapter we don’t particularly like or approve of. Other times, the chapter just simply does not make sense. My simple recommendation is to keep turning the pages. Take Spiderman for example. On page one you might read about a guy getting bit by a spider. Who wants to get bit by a spider for heaven’s sake!?…and a radioactive one at that. Some people might get discouraged and stop on that page. Who wants to read about a guy getting bit by a spider? I’m sure Peter Parker was not particularly fond of that page either. But flip a few pages or chapters ahead and you have a man in a really cool outfit climbing buildings and shooting spider-webs out of his wrists. That’s pretty sweet if you ask me. You see, the pain only makes sense in the context of the entire story. Some people want Spidey-sense without having to get bit by the spider. Some people would say Parker was unlucky to get bit by a spider. I would say he hit the jackpot.
We all have a tendency to complain…about everything. Of course, complaining about the present is kind of silly in the context of the entire story. Spidey stopped complaining pretty quick once he realized he could jump off of buildings and not die…HELLO awesomeness.
Let me sum up this ragged tale. Don’t envy great people, because they probably went through a lot crap to become great…or else they got bit by a radioactive spider. Don’t get discouraged if you are currently wading through a pool of dung as it is such swimming lessons that make for greatness. The End.
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