2 Samuel 6:1-19, 1 Chronicles 13:1-14, 16:37-38
Special thanks to Linda McAlister, Becky Davis Turner, and Freihofer Casting.
"King David has rebuilt Jebus, the City of David. He has united the tribes of Israel under his leadership and begun conquering all his enemies. His kingship is going well and he remembers that the Ark of the Covenant is not being revered. He also remembers the Ark had been captured by the Philistines during the time of Eli, the last of the judges. God had inflicted the Philistines with plagues because they had the Ark, so they sent it back to the Israelites at Beth Shemesh. The first Israelites to receive the Ark had looked inside. This horribly offensive act cause God to destroy seventy of them. In their fear, they sent the Ark to be housed at Keriath Jearim in the house of Abinadab. The Ark had remained there ever since."
Source: https://eyewitnessbible.org/one-hit-wonders/?vid=15