this is not a Nintendo game. There are no continues and there is no reset button.
Those were the good days. But days, turn into years, turn into grades gone by and you suddenly find yourself out of college and well on your way to your destiny or whatever. Life used to be filled with possibilities when you were young and not surrounded by life-cynics. If you’re anything like me, you probably dressed up like Batman or Robin Hood or some other such thing too. But somewhere along the line you stopped dressing up. Life has a way of kicking you in the gut and forcing you to breathe in the funky air of your reality. Life turns into an 8-5 and you don’t even dress up like Batman on Halloween anymore.
Why am I writing this? One, because I’m a sentimental type and I like reminiscing about the past. B, simply because the future businesses, non-profits, etc. that will change the world will be formed by people who have decided to reject cultural norms, refuse to be thrown into a box of cynicism and “such and such can’t happen because,” and embrace a lifestyle of creativity, dreaming and dressing up. It’s never too late to dream. You never hear anyone say, “Man, I wish I would have continued with the status quo, same old same old.” You only have one life. And this is not a Nintendo game. There are no continues and there is no reset button. “Game Over” means Game Over. A canvas with a few mistakes beats a “clean” blank canvas every time. Carpe diem. And remember, it's not enough just to dream big. Bonsai's may have big dreams, but the pot restricts them. Sometimes you have to uproot yourself and find a bigger pot. Sometimes "you have to put your body where your destiny is," as my dad used to say.
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